Without Patient Information API

3. Search the patient

You need to send all the patient information (name, birthdate, …) with the strongest identifier you have (INSq > IPP > other).

Please see Patient Identity Management (INSq) for more information about the INSq.

4. Send the medical document

In this step, you'll proceed to sending a medical document and you'll use all the references you've kept in the previous steps.

Search the managing-organization

Before sending your document, you have to search the issuer of the document in our healthcare structure directory or find it in the developer portal. This organization will be used to find the sender’s email address paired to your application (ex: app.ch_test@lifen.mssante.fr).

To find it, you can search on the api.lifen.fr/fhir/v3/Organization/$search-for-mss endpoint as explained in the previous step or in the developer portal.


It is your responsibility to pick the right organization for every document sent. You must be careful, i.e. the hospital where the patient concerned by the document has/had an encounter. For example, you should not use hospital A’s email address to send a document about a patient that stayed at hospital B.


All the managing-organization are available in your developer portal

Example from the developer portal

Example from the developer portal

You need to complete the following information :

ParameterTypeDescriptionMandatory fields
detailed-subject Resourceresource patient with all the administrative information needed to send to mssanté canalUse case 1 : INSq

- family birthname

- list of given names

- usual firstname and family (optional)

- birthplace / birth location as INSEE code only

- birthdate

- gender

- identifier INSq = “matricule INS” - INS type via OID (NIR or NIA)Use case 2 : IPP

- usual firstname and family

- birthdate

- gender

- identifier IPPUse case 3 : local identifier

- usual firstname and family

- birthdate

- gender

- local identifier
recipientsResourceall the recipients, with their mssante email addresses. Either the Lifen reference or the RPPS number
Reference or
Practitioner who signed the document. Either the Lifen reference or the RPPSoptional (only one between sender or sender-identifier must be added)
managing-organization Referenceorganization used as the issuer of the document paired with your applicationrequired with detailed-subject
payload parameter :typeCodefor each document, you must choose the type of the document referring to the list Document Type
payload parameter : content.attachment.content-typeCodefor each document, you must describe the content-type of the document application/pdf (no other type currently supported)
payload parameter : content.attachment.database64all documents, in base64 format

Examples of the body request

// with INSq
// with recipient identified by the Lifen ID
           "resource": {
                 "data":"{{document in base 64}}"
                 "id":"42995", // optional
       "name":"sender", // optional
       "valueReference": {
         "reference": "Practitioner/3434545"
     /* either sender or sender-identifier 
         "name":"sender-identifier", // optional
         "valueString": "12345678910"
       "valueReference": {
         "reference": "Organization/3434545"
       "name": "detailed-subject", 
         "resourceType": "Patient",
         "identifier": [
             "system" : "urn:oid:", // INS system (.8 for INS NIR ou .9 for INS NIA)
             "value" : "2950244162294" // matricule INS 
         "extension": [
             "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/birthPlace",
             "valueAddress": {
               "city": "ROUGON", //optional
               "district": "04171", // code INSEE   
               "postalCode": "04120", //optional
               "country": "FRA" //optional
         "name": [
             "family": "MICHUE birthname",
             "given": [
              "use" : "official" 
             "family": "DUPONT",
             "given": [
             	"use" : "usual" 
         "gender": "female",
         "birthDate": "1990-03-01"
// with INSq
// with recipient identified by their RPPS
           "resource": {
                 "data":"{{document in base 64}}"
             "identifier": [
                 "system": "http://rpps.fr",
                 "value": "811111111111111"
                 "id":"42995", // optional
       "name":"sender", // optional
       "valueReference": {
         "reference": "Practitioner/3434545"
     /* either sender or sender-identifier 
         "name":"sender-identifier", // optional
         "valueString": "12345678910"
       "valueReference": {
         "reference": "Organization/3434545"
       "name": "detailed-subject", 
         "resourceType": "Patient",
         "identifier": [
             "system" : "urn:oid:", // INS system (.8 for INS NIR ou .9 for INS NIA)
             "value" : "2950244162294" // matricule INS 
         "extension": [
             "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/birthPlace",
             "valueAddress": {
               "city": "ROUGON", //optional
               "district": "04171", // code INSEE   
               "postalCode": "04120", //optional
               "country": "FRA" //optional
         "name": [
             "family": "MICHUE birthname",
             "given": [
              "use" : "official" 
             "family": "DUPONT",
             "given": [
             	"use" : "usual" 
         "gender": "female",
         "birthDate": "1990-03-01"
// with IPP
           "resource": {
                 "data":"{{document in base 64}}"
                 "id":"42995", // optional
       "name":"sender", // optional
       "valueReference": {
         "reference": "Practitioner/3434545"
     /* either sender or sender-identifier 
         "name":"sender-identifier", // optional
         "valueString": "12345678910"
       "valueReference": {
         "reference": "Organization/3434545"
       "name": "detailed-subject",
         "resourceType": "Patient",
         "identifier": [
             "system" : "urn:oid:",  
             "value" : "35345354654656" // IPP value
         "name": [
             "family": "DUPONT",
             "use" : "usual" 
         "gender": "female",
         "birthDate": "1990-03-01"
// with local identifier
           "resource": {
                 "data":"{{document in base 64}}"
                 "id":"42995", // optional
       "name":"sender", // optional
       "valueReference": {
         "reference": "Practitioner/3434545"
     /* either sender or sender-identifier 
         "name":"sender-identifier", // optional
         "valueString": "12345678910"
       "valueReference": {
         "reference": "Organization/3434545"
       "name": "detailed-subject", 
         "resourceType": "Patient",
         "identifier": [
             "system" : "http://lifen.fr/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient/Identifier/[client_id_app]", // replace [client_id_app] with your client id or other local system you juge pertinent
             "value" : "345345345454345354" // other local identifier you judge pertinent
         "name": [
             "family": "DUPONT",
             "use" : "usual" 
         "gender": "female",
         "birthDate": "1990-03-01"