With Patient Information API
3. Search the patient
Search the patient concerned by the document(s) by using the Access Patient Information API. Once you've found the right patient, you need to keep the FHIR id of your patient to send your document.
Search the encounter concerned by the document(s) by using the Access Encounter Information API. This step is optional but we encourage you to add this information in order to add more details information in your structured mail. Once you've found the right encounter, you need to keep the FHIR id of your encounter to send your document as well.
4. Send the medical document(s)
In this step, you'll proceed to sending a medical document and you'll use all the references you've kept in the previous steps.
You need to complete the following information :
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory fields |
subject | Reference | patient subject of your document | |
context | Reference | encounter's patient | optional |
recipients | Resource | all the recipients, with their mssante email addresses. Either the Lifen reference or the RPPS/Finess number | |
sender or sender-identifier | Reference or string | Practitioner who signed the document. Either the Lifen reference or the RPPS number | optional (only one between sender or sender-identifier must be added) |
payload parameter :type | Code | for each document, you must choose the type of the document referring to the list Document Type | |
payload parameter : content.attachment.content-type | Code | for each document, you must describe the content-type of the document application/pdf (no other type currently supported) | |
payload parameter : content.attachment.data | base64 | all documents, in base64 format |
// with Patient Information API
// with recipient identified by the Lifen ID
"resource": {
"data":"{{document in base 64}}"
"id":"42995", // optional
"reference": "Patient/456"
"name":"context", // optional
"reference": "Encounter/5555"
"valueReference": {
"reference": "Practitioner/3434545"
/* either sender or sender-identifier
"name":"sender-identifier", // optional
"valueString": "12345678910"
// with Patient Information API
// with recipient identified by their RPPS
"resource": {
"data":"{{document in base 64}}"
"identifier": [
"system": "http://rpps.fr",
"value": "811111111111111" //RPPS
"id":"42995", // optional
"reference": "Patient/456"
"name":"context", // optional
"reference": "Encounter/5555"
"valueReference": {
"reference": "Practitioner/3434545"
/* either sender or sender-identifier
"name":"sender-identifier", // optional
"valueString": "12345678910"
Updated over 1 year ago