Send a medical document to Healthcare Professionals via MS Santé


This API allows you to securely send medical documents to any french healthcare professional or any french healthcare structure via the MS Santé standard.

MS Santé is a secure messaging protocol used in France. MS Santé offers a secure space to exchange medical data with any healthcare professional or structure in dematerialized way. Today, around 60% of French healthcare professionals and more than 2000 healthcare structures have at least one MS Santé address.

Using this protocol is required to be compliant with the remote monitoring applications referential and obtain reimbursements from the government.


Lifen is an MSSanté operator in France, certified by the ANS - a french institution to bring healthcare into the digital era.

Access Control and Configuration

You need a Machine To Machine Communications to use this API.

You need to have the SEND_TO_MSS scope to access the Platform service.


Don't forget to declare your support email address in our developer portal (link available in the top menu)


Sending medical document(s) to healthcare professionals or structures via our API is a 5-step process:

  1. search the recipient of the document (healthcare professional or healthcare structure) (required)
  2. search the sender of the document (the healthcare professional user)(optional)
  3. search the patient (required) and the encounter (optional)
  4. proceed to send the medical PDF document(s) to the right healthcare professional or structure (required)
  5. track the mail delivery status

1. Search the recipient

First, search the recipient by using the Directory API. You can search healthcare professionals or healthcare structures.


You are limited to 10 recipients maximum by sending. You are also limited to 10 documents by sending.


You can only search 100 healthcare professionals or structures per request (no paginated search available). If you find more than 100 results, please add more search parameters to reduce the number of results.

Search healthcare professional

Please use this route to search healthcare professionals :


You can search on these following parameters :

nameStringfamily and/or given of the healthcare practitioner.
Requires minimum 2 characters
This search is based on the beginning of the word.
identifierStringRPPS (national identifier of the french healthcare professional). Search on exact value only.
givenStringfirstname of the practitioner.
Requires minimum 2 characters
This search is based on the beginning of the word.
familyStringlastname of the practitioner.
Requires minimum 2 characters
This search is based on the beginning of the word.
telecomStringmssante email address. Search on exact value only.
addressStringpostal address of the healthcare professional. This search is based on the beginning of the word and word by word.
_countintnumber of result page on the page (max: 100) - 0 not supported

Response :

	"resourceType": "Bundle",
	"id": "aff6fcd5-76fb-40eb-bfb0-64fde9a0678c",
	"type": "searchset",
	"total": 451247,
	"entry": [
			"fullUrl": "[id]",
			"resource": {
				"resourceType": "Practitioner",
				"id": "[id]",
				"identifier": [
            "system": "",
            "value": "11111111111"
				"name": [
						"use": "official",
						"family": "Michue",
						"given": [
						"prefix": [
				"telecom": [
						"id": "6673280",
						"system": "email",
						"value": "",
						"use": "work"
						"id": "6673280",
						"system": "email",
						"value": "",
						"use": "work",
						"rank": 1 
				"address": [
						"id": "42941332",
						"use": "work",
						"line": [
							"71 RUE TEST",
							"12345 ST TEST CEDEX"
						"city": "TEST",
						"postalCode": "12345",
						"country": "FRA"
			"search": {
				"mode": "match"

Search healthcare structure

Please use this route to search healthcare structures :


You can search on these following parameters :

nameStringname of the healthcare structure
identifierStringFINESS (national identifier of the french healthcare structure)
telecomStringmssante email address
addressStringpostal address of the healthcare structure
part-ofReferenceFHIR Reference of the organization of which this organization forms a part
_countintnumber of result page on the page (max: 100) - 0 not supported

Response :

	"resourceType": "Bundle",
	"id": "aff6fcd5-76fb-40eb-bfb0-64fde9a0678c",
	"type": "searchset",
	"total": 451247,
	"entry": [
      "fullUrl": "[id]",
      "resource": {
        "resourceType": "Organization",
        "id": "996644",
        "name": "CH TEST",
        "identifier": [
            "system": "",
            "value": "xxxxxxxx"
            "system": "",
            "value": "xxxxxxxx"
        "telecom": [
            "id": "6673280",
            "system": "email",
            "value": "",
            "use": "work"
            "id": "6673280",
            "system": "email",
            "value": "",
            "use": "work",
            "rank": 1 
        "address": [
            "id": "3157415241441669992",
            "line": [
              "CH TEST",
              "124 Rue TEST",
              "75000 Paris"
            "city": "Paris",
            "postalCode": "75000"
      "search": {
        "mode": "match"

Presence of response fields

FieldSub fieldTypeOptional or Always presentDescription
idStringalwaysUnique identifier in Lifen system
nameStringalwaysName of the healthcare structure
identifierArrayoptionalRPPS (national identifier of the french healthcare professional) or FINESS (national identifier of the french healthcare structure)
identifier.systemStringrequired if the field is presentCould be :

- the RPPS (
- the geographic FINESS ( - the legal FINESS (
identifier.valueStringrequired if the field is presentRPPS or FINESS value
telecomArrayoptionalMSSante email address
telecom.systemStringoptionalTelecom type (always email here)
telecom.valueStringmandatory if the field is presentEmail value
telecom.useStringoptionalPurpose of this contact point (always work here)
telecom.rankStringoptionalSpecified preferred order of use (1 = highest, 2 = medium or nothing)
addressArrayoptionalPostal address of the healthcare structure
address.lineArray[String]optionalAll lines of the address (street, postal code, city, country)
address.cityStringoptionalCity of the address
address.postalCodeStringoptionalPostal code of the address
part-ofReferenceoptionalFHIR Reference of the organization of which this organization forms a part

Choose the right recipient email address

Once you've found your recipient(s), keep all the FHIR ids or identifier (RPPS/Finess) you need for the next step. Also, choose the mssanté address you want to. To do that, you can use the rank information (this information may not be present). If the rank is equal to 1, it means that it is his preference for receiving documents. Else, you may just choose first on the list.

2. Search the sender (optional)

Then, you can search the sender of the document in our healthcare professional directory and keep the FHIR id or the RPPS. This practitioner will be mentioned as the author and the legal Authenticator in the CDA file generated when we send the document via MS Santé.

To find the sender of the document, you can search on the$search-for-mss endpoint as explained in the previous step.


This information is optional to send your document through MSSanté but this information is required if you want to send your document with an XDM file with CDA.

In order for us to be able to generate a XDM file (with CDA), you need to include a senderor asender-identifier.

Otherwise, we will only send a PDF. Some hospitals strictly require CDA files because it enables a better integration with their existing systems.

3. Search the patient and encounter

In order to send a document, you need to tell us which patient this document is about. The patient can come from 2 different contexts :

  • Case 1 : With Patient Information API
    • You want to retrieve from the PAS of the healthcare structure the patient concerned by the document you need to send. To do so, you need to use the Patient/Encounter API Service.
    • Lifen gets the right identifier (INSq, IPP) on the PAS patient for you and adds it in the CDA R2 N1 file generated to send the document.
  • Case 2 : Without Patient Information API
    • You prefer to use a patient from your own database
    • You need to send all the patient information (name, birthdate, …) with the strongest identifier you have (INSq, IPP, other)
    • Lifen gets these information and adds them in the CDA R2 N1 file

4. Send the medical document(s)

In this step, you'll proceed to sending a medical document and you'll use all the references you've kept in the previous steps.

Please use the following route :



If the healthcare structure you are connected to has authorized to add the patient's datamatrix (and if the patient's INS is qualified), then Lifen adds a cover page with the patient's datamatrix after the other pages of the document(s) you're sending.

What does a datamatrix look like ?

Example of MSSanté mail sent by Lifen :

Link example of the XDM file generated (CDA)

Response :

    "resourceType": "Parameters",
    "parameter": [
            "name": "tracking-url",
            "valueString": "$tracking?transaction-id=ifad1343e-496f-11ed-b878-0242ac120002"
            "name": "transaction-id",
            "valueString": "fad1343e-496f-11ed-b878-0242ac120002"


The url available in the tracking-url field can be used to get the delivery status of the document(s) you've sent.

Error codeFieldDescription
403contextContext FHIR Reference is unauthorized
403subjectSubject FHIR Reference is unauthorized
404subjectSubject FHIR Reference is unknown
404senderSender FHIR Reference is unknown
404contextContext FHIR Reference is unknown
412-You forgot to configure your support email address on developer portal
412recipientYou have to configure a valid mssante email for the recipient telecom (any other type of email address won't work)
422recipient10 recipients maximum are authorized
422recipientAt least one recipient is required
422recipientUnknown email address
422recipientYou can't have two identical recipient in your sending
422recipientOnly Practitioner and Organization type are valid recipients
422senderInvalid sender
422managing-organizationInvalid managing-organization or you use a token who already has the organization link to your application
422payloadAt least one payload is required
422payloadInvalid type : refer to the list Document Type
422payloadAt least one payload is required
422subjectSubject is required
422subject/detailedSubjectSubject or detailedSubject is required
422detailedSubjectMissing or invalid fields in patient information
500-Lifen side error (server side error)

5. Check the delivery status

After you've sent the medical document(s), Lifen processes it. This process can take up to 5 minutes. After this delay, you can follow the delivery status through the following endpoint :



After two months, the delivery status will no longer be available.


    "resourceType": "Bundle",
		"type": "collection",
    "total": 2,
	  "entry": [
      "resource" : {
				"resourceType": "Communication",
				"status": "completed", // see status code available below
				"sent": "2019-03-07T13:07:23.000+00:00", // only if status = completed
				"medium": [
			      "coding": [
			          "system": "",
			          "code": "MSSANTE"
            "text": ""
      "resource" : {...}

Resource status

preparationThe document has arrived to the Lifen Platform and will be processed soon.
in-progressThe document is being processed by the Lifen Platform. The status is in-progress until an acknowledgement confirms receipt of the document.
completedThe document has been processed by the Lifen Platform and an acknowledgement confirms successful receipt.
entered-in-errorThe document has not been sent, there has been an error on Lifen side.
unknownThe document has not been sent, there has been an error on Lifen side.

6. How to test ?

Use these recipients examples to test each response status

RPPS Practitioner (recipients :identifier.value)Practitioner's email address (recipients :


Response status to testComment
10100573657sandrine.calvel-will@test.lifen.mssante.frpreparationAll the sendings request get this status in first place before transit to 'in-progress' status
10100573657sandrine.calvel-will@test.lifen.mssante.frin-progressAll the sendings request get this status in second place after 'preparation' status